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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Mug with Onion

Today I'd made up my mind to do a painting. Amid frequent visits by freinds, clients, I managed to lock myself into my studio, and get this going.

The finished painting
Mug with Onion
6 x 7 " Oil on primed board

The middle stages,the background is covered with Yellow Ochre , Cobalt Blue, and a little Burnt Umber. The steel mug is laid in with Cobalt Blue, and the reflection of the onion with the same Blue plus Alizarin Crimson.

The first stage of the painting. I had toned a canvas with a mix of crimson and burnt umber. I sketched in with brush , and laid in the dark tones.

I found this steel mug in the kitchen , I really like it, and it makes a good subject. (Image is for your use, copyright free.)

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